

For your home, health and environment

Building for the Future

Windhill + Co. Builders offer building practices to promote efficient, environmentally friendly and healthy options for your next home building project.

While maintaining an emphasis on quality and craftsmanship, we promote a holistic approach to sustainability including forward thinking pre-construction planning and site development, energy and water efficiencies, air quality and building envelope engineering, and the incorporation of best methods and materials available on the market.

How We Help You Meet Your Sustainable Living Goals

Sustainable home projects are driven by a wide variety of factors, and there is no single method or approach that suits every build. Starting with the goals of our clients, the parameters of the site or existing home and the evolution of new technologies and materials available, we offer expertise in navigating the options for your new home, addition or renovation project.

Pre-Construction Planning + Sustainable Design

Assessing the potential carbon footprint and environmental impact of each project, thinking about site and material selections as they relate to healthy living standards, climate change and sustainable design at the start of any project will inform choices, costs and goals before any ground is broken.

Energy Efficiency

Reducing wasted energy and lowering utility costs are often core to our clients’ green home building goals. We are well versed in incorporating geothermal, solar and other renewable energy options for residential use.

Indoor Air Quality

With tighter insulation and building envelope requirements, the proper ventilation, circulation and filtration of air within our homes is paramount to our clients’ health.

Water Conservation

From site selection and drought-resistant landscape planning, to the incorporation of low-flow and water saving plumbing fixtures throughout our homes, conserving water reduces waste, utility costs and improves sustainable living practices.

Commitment to Sustainability

We are committed to building homes that bring you joy now, and for generations to come. This includes the health and environmental impact of your home and we are proud to be always growing and improving our sustainable home building practices as the market evolves.

Check back for our latest sustainable building works-in-progress and building sciences updates soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to choose sustainable builders for my project?2024-03-08T20:18:52+00:00

Choosing sustainable building practices not only improves the health and well-being of the people living inside, it can also reduce costs and the larger environmental impact we have on our earth in a meaningful way. Sustainable homes can be healthier, but also last longer and reduce the costs and wasted materials in the future.

What materials are used by Windhill sustainable building contractors?2024-03-08T20:18:10+00:00

Building Sciences are a constantly evolving field, we work to keep up to date and use best practices from renewable lumber alternatives, to triple-glazed windows, to high performance exterior envelope assemblies – rainscreen facades, polyiso insulation on sheathing, etc.

How does Windhill ensure energy efficiency?2024-03-08T20:18:24+00:00

Holistic planning, accounting for the energy delivery system, circulation and ventilation all factor in overall efficiency. For example, a geo-thermal HVAC system, paired with high performance thermal insulation results in a home warmer in winter, and cooler in the summer – all while using less energy.

How does sustainable building impact long-term costs2024-03-08T20:18:37+00:00

While implementing new technologies may sometimes incur steeper initial costs, the overall use of energy efficient systems will lower monthly utility costs.

How do Windhill’s sustainable home builders differ from traditional builders?2024-03-08T20:17:55+00:00

Our builders are flexible and knowledgeable, and help our clients evaluate the options available at the start of any project. We are not stuck in a single track, but constantly seeking out new methods and materials to improve the process.


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