About bartlett

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So far bartlett has created 5 blog entries.

Builders: Work in Progress at Marini Farm, Ipswich, Massachusetts

At Marini Farm, a cornerstone of agricultural tradition for Ipswich residents and visitors alike, exciting developments are underway. Known for its delicious, farm-fresh produce and now a delightful array of baked goods, Marini Farm has grown significantly under the stewardship of third-generation farmer, Mike Marini. “Shawn knew and understood my vision even before [...]

2024-06-11T19:16:59+00:00June 11th, 2024|

A Masterful Whole House Renovation at Coolidge Point, Manchester-by-the-Sea: An Exciting Work in Progress

Welcome to Windhill + Co.’s “Builders, Work in Progress” series, where we showcase our ongoing projects and the meticulous craftsmanship that defines our work. Our current project at Coolidge Point, Manchester-by-the-Sea, highlights our expertise in fine finishes to create cohesive, stunning results. Meticulous Sequencing of Stone Countertops, Casework, and Cabinetry [...]

2024-06-11T17:31:59+00:00June 11th, 2024|

Discover the Art of Custom Woodworking at the Windhill + Co. Woodworks Shop

Tour Our Woodworks Shop Virtually! Welcome to Windhill + Co. Woodworks, where innovation and craftsmanship work hand-in-hand, snug as dovetail joints, in the heart of historic Georgetown, Massachusetts. As the Windhill + Co. business expands, we're excited to offer fine custom cabinet making and woodworking as part of our recent expansion of Windhill + [...]

2024-06-11T19:18:09+00:00June 11th, 2024|

Welcome to Windhill + Co.: Our Evolution from Real Estate to an Expanded Suite of Services

It’s a new era for Windhill + Co. Our journey began from humble beginnings in downtown Ipswich, MA, to becoming a multifaceted powerhouse in real estate, building, woodworking, and whole home care. Our story is a testament to growth, driven by a relentless commitment to exceptional service, integrity, and personalized attention. You can read [...]

2024-06-28T19:44:24+00:00July 30th, 2023|
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