Welcome to our latest update from Brooklin, Maine, where Windhill + Co. is bringing our client’s grand vision to life. As we continue to sculpt the landscape and construct dream homes, we invite you to take a closer look into the nuances of our work and the progress that defines our commitment to excellence.

Framing the Future: Main House and Barn Foundation

The framework of the main house is rising, and each beam is meticulously placed to turn this grand architectural vision into a cherished family home. Parallel to this, excavation efforts on the barn’s foundation are underway, which will bring functionality and rustic charm to the estate.

Protecting Natural Beauty: Shoreline Stabilization and Mitigation Plantings

At Windhill + Co., we understand the importance of environmental stewardship. Our current efforts include vital shoreline stabilization to preserve the natural integrity of the property. Scheduled for mid-June, our mitigation plantings will bolster the landscape’s beauty and ecological health, ensuring resilience and sustainability for years to come.

Laying the Groundwork: Site Infrastructure Development

The backbone of any successful construction project is robust infrastructure. Our team is making significant strides with several critical installations:

  • Water Well #2: This new well will serve the barn, reinforcing our commitment to sustainable development.
  • Electrical Service Activation: Powering the property is a vital step for both construction activities and when the family begins living there.
  • Septic System Installation: Our environmentally-friendly septic system is underway, engineered for efficient, sustainable waste management.

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Looking Forward

With every beam raised, every plant positioned, and every system installed, we move closer to completing a flagship property that stands as a testament to our dedication to creating a harmonious and sustainable environment that future generations will treasure.

Ready to Realize Your Dream Project?

Does the progress in Brooklin, Maine inspire? Imagine what Windhill + Co. can build for you. Contact us today to discuss your own dream project and allow us to turn your vision into a living masterpiece.

About Windhill + Co.

For over 25 years, Windhill + Co. has been a leader in custom home building. Our mission is to create homes that bring joy for generations, with a focus on client experience, environmental impact, and investment value.

Our team consists of master cabinet makers, real estate experts, and skilled home service professionals dedicated to excellence. We offer a holistic approach, from site selection and sustainable building practices to custom woodworking and ongoing home maintenance.

Our commitment to quality is recognized through awards, client praise, and media accolades. Discover how our craftsmanship and client-focused approach can bring your vision to life.

Contact our Builders office at 978-356-8988 or email at info@windhillbuilders.com for more information about our custom home building services.